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- Hannah’s three bullocks: yes, three.
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- Jeremiah 52 vs 2 Kings 25 compared
Tag Archives: kids
Book review: Life Talk for a Daughter
A copy of a book by Isabella Little (now Isabella Little-Gates, congratulations Isabella) came into our possession – “Life Talk for a Daughter”. It’s this one: You might think that this is a book to introduce your little girl to … Continue reading
When Daddy comes driving home again
I needed to sing something (the internet was down, thanks Telkom, for your speedy attention to this problem). I thought I’d sing “When Johnny comes marching home again”, but couldn’t remember the words. So this is what it came to:When … Continue reading
Silly songs with Audacity
And now it’s time for silly songs with Audacity: that part of the show where Audacity comes out and plays, a silly song. So it turns out that if you have a high tolerance for background noise and a poor … Continue reading
Teasing the Kids
“Daddy,” asked little girl of six, “what is the difference between teasing and lying?” Hmm. I had to think about that (like Susan Boyle did). After thinking about it, I came up with a good reply. I said, “I’m not … Continue reading
Bum bum cream
When I was growing up, “bum” was a bad word, for which you could get your mouse, um, mouth washed out with soap. Now they put it on little bottles of barrier cream for babies. Oh dear. A bad word … Continue reading
When is pain not a pain?
A little girl was screaming outside. By the sound if it, it could be quite serious. I went out to find out what it was about. Hmm, maybe not – the little thing was curled up in a lump on … Continue reading