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- Serial and display console
- Publishing photos of criminal suspects
- Votes for cash: poll tax
- Find my device or anything that saw it recently and has travelled 15km or so
- Hannah’s three bullocks: yes, three.
- Lies: Dekra report presented by WeBuyCars does not match condition of car
- Workaround for Neighbour Discovery failure, for static-configured IPv6 on Linux: Use IPv4 gateway mac for IPv6
- Code snippet: This service allows sftp connections only: Create a scp-only user for ssh
- Vengeance
- Job Seeker Exemption Certificate 2023-10
- ZCC Exposed Archive
- Justice denied by creative remedies
- Python for bash users: 1 minute introduction
- The Holy City, Jerusalem – just not in Afrikaans, please
- Jeremiah 52 vs 2 Kings 25 compared
Tag Archives: android
Find my device or anything that saw it recently and has travelled 15km or so
Google’s “Find My Device” function does a pretty good job of finding a device. It has a few mechanisms: That last method, bluetooth snitching, produces some interesting results. I dropped my phone by accident, and discovered it missing when I … Continue reading
Invasion of the evil androids
Google says you are too stupid to rule your own life. They say this by their Android phone operating system, in which they do not give you, the owner and operator of the device, root permissions. This means: You cannot … Continue reading
Android Emergency
On the way to work one fine morning, I stopped at a road accident scene, with some rather traumatic injuries – I thought someone had died, but instead of being dead, that someone spoke to me and asked me to … Continue reading