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- Hannah’s three bullocks: yes, three.
- Lies: Dekra report presented by WeBuyCars does not match condition of car
- Workaround for Neighbour Discovery failure, for static-configured IPv6 on Linux: Use IPv4 gateway mac for IPv6
- Code snippet: This service allows sftp connections only: Create a scp-only user for ssh
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- Python for bash users: 1 minute introduction
- The Holy City, Jerusalem – just not in Afrikaans, please
- Jeremiah 52 vs 2 Kings 25 compared
Tag Archives: security
Code snippet: This service allows sftp connections only: Create a scp-only user for ssh
This user bob can only run scp, and not get a shell by ssh. Every other ssh-y thing he tries should get the error “This service allows sftp connections only.” This is reasonably secure™, but it doesn’t stop him from … Continue reading
2023: ABRSM theory exams are impossible
For the Covid scam, music theory examinations by ABRSM switched from in-person invigilated to remote computer-invigilation. The price didn’t go down though – the tests were horrendously expensive, and the price just went up, if anything. There’s a small problem … Continue reading
EPSON ink tank printers are a ripoff
Bricking a perfectly good printer EPSON ink tank printers are a ripoff. The particular printer that irked me is the Epson L382, but they are all a ripoff. The promise of ink tank printers is that you buy the printer … Continue reading
“Unable to negotiate SSH” after “upgrade”
If you update to Ubuntu LTS (version 22.04), you will want this in your .ssh/config: Failure to do that gets you this: The dear old NSA of the USA is gently shoving everyone away from effective cryptography towards backdoored nonsense, … Continue reading
Ignoring out-of-band network policy systems with iptables
I’ve been working on parental controls using an out-of-band policy engine. It is easy to subvert, if you care to, since the controls it implements are very light, and it is not actually part of the conversation between you and … Continue reading
Man in the mailbox fraud (MITMB) HOWTO
This has come up twice, so it’s time to tell the world how it’s done. Basically, if someone has control of your mailbox (e-mail address and password), then you’re going to lose your money: someone (not you, and not your … Continue reading
Invasion of the evil androids
Google says you are too stupid to rule your own life. They say this by their Android phone operating system, in which they do not give you, the owner and operator of the device, root permissions. This means: You cannot … Continue reading
Search-engine assisted fraud HOWTO
As many of the readers of this fine site are career criminals, it seems good to explain a new and popular procurement fraud scam. Here’s a piccie to muddy the waters, followed by the blow-by-blow account, in which the numbers … Continue reading
Posted in Stuff
Tagged bing, crime, fraud, google, procurement, security, Stuff, stupidity
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Cloudflare doesn’t help your DDOS
Ever since CloudFlare helped out Spamhaus with their big deal big DNS reflection DDOS attack, conventional wisdom has said that if you are faced with a DDOS attack, you should give CloudFlare a shot. By all means, give it a … Continue reading
My new password
I’m changing all my passwords to asterisks: ******** Now, when I enter my password, I can see what I’m typing.