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- Hannah’s three bullocks: yes, three.
- Lies: Dekra report presented by WeBuyCars does not match condition of car
- Workaround for Neighbour Discovery failure, for static-configured IPv6 on Linux: Use IPv4 gateway mac for IPv6
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- Python for bash users: 1 minute introduction
- The Holy City, Jerusalem – just not in Afrikaans, please
- Jeremiah 52 vs 2 Kings 25 compared
Tag Archives: marriage
Book review: Life Talk for a Daughter
A copy of a book by Isabella Little (now Isabella Little-Gates, congratulations Isabella) came into our possession – “Life Talk for a Daughter”. It’s this one: You might think that this is a book to introduce your little girl to … Continue reading
The pill, uncritically accepted
In the movie, The Matrix, Neo is offered a red pill and a blue pill. Not one movie goer thought to ask why he should take a pill at all. Things I only recently found out about the contraceptive pill: … Continue reading
La Manif Pour Tous – The Demonstration for All
So I’ve been listening to Learn French in your Car in my car, which has emboldened me to try and read French stuff on the internet. Doing that, I discovered I still haven’t got a clue. French seems to be … Continue reading