The pill, uncritically accepted

In the movie, The Matrix, Neo is offered a red pill and a blue pill.  Not one movie goer thought to ask why he should take a pill at all.

Things I only recently found out about the contraceptive pill:

  • It has been around for just 50 years.
  • Previous contraceptive remedies and methods were less effective and had significant side effects (other than pregnancy).
  • Research was funded by Margaret Sanger, whose odious organisation performs abortions to this day.
  • The pill is but 99% effective in preventing pregnancy per year (or “worse”, depending on the concentration).  This means that every year, 1 out of 100 women who think they will not, does in fact become pregnant (congratulations!)

Before this I only knew things like:

  • It can cause infertility (duh) (yes, even after it is discontinued)
  • It can cause serious medical conditions, e.g. death

Things I’ve only recently realised about the pill:

  • The western fertility rate is low as a result of it.
  • People’s thinking about sex and children has become disconnected
  • People’s thinking about marriage and children has become disconnected.
  • It has been uncritically accepted by society
  • The people who brought it into society were very unpleasant folks with sad and twisted life stories

Fertility rate: when there are fewer children to work, then immigration becomes a “cheap” source of labour, but immigrants have their own beliefs and practices, some of which are destructive to western culture.  In Europe, Muslim immigration has become a social issue because Muslims refuse to integrate into western culture, and fill the country with their private ghettos designed to resemble the countries they fled from.  Having done this, they set out to turn their adopted countries into the same quagmire of evil that they have demanded for themselves.

Sex, not children: When sex appears to not involve children, rampant immorality becomes an option.  There is no perceived risk of innocent little babies, so sex is a matter of consenting adults seeking pleasure.  And since each thinks his own pleasure is a wonderful thing, who is to object to other deviant forms of sex, designed for pleasure or spectacle?  As a result there are plagues of sexually transmitted diseases.  These have wiped out entire villages in Africa.  Perhaps they didn’t get the contraception, but they did get the message of free irresponsible sex.  And what is there to be responsible about when there are no children?  Of course, there are children, and that is where  it gets messy.  (But for that inconvenience there is murder abortion.)

Marriage, not children: When marriage appears to be an arrangement for comfort and pleasure, not involving children, then other intimate arrangements for comfort and pleasure may have an equal claim to the status of marriage.  So what if a man and woman are not married?   So what if a man occasionally finds comfort and pleasure outside of a marriage?  And if marriage is only for comfort and pleasure, there is no reason to preserve it if that comfort and pleasure turns to discomfort and misery.  Seeking pleasure and comfort in the short term yields neither in the longer term.  Our courts have caved in, and brought us “no fault divorce” so that routinely, without a proper investigation of what went wrong, a marriage is summarily terminated with judicial resignation to the consequences.

Uncritical acceptance: For good measure, because people believe that the instruments that they use carry moral authority, they believe that having a child is merely a technical failure of the contraceptive, and not a gift from God with a life for which they will give an account.  The complete acceptance of contraception as part of the structure of society goes together with a surprised loathing for the results of its inevitable failure.

Whodunnit: The source of an innovation often says a lot about it.  Kind and thoughtful people make useful innovations.  Cruel and ruthless people make cruel and ruthless innovations.  Immoral people tend to make immoral innovations.  The direction that an innovation takes once it is set free often betrays the hidden defects in its creator.  Margaret Sanger’s organisations have romped all the way from contraception to abortion and the willful destruction of third world populations, all the while putting forward their bloodthirsty work as an ultimate good.

Are these things good for society?  Do they lead to happiness or to misery?  Well, you might be able to guess what I think, but one thing is abundantly clear:

  • “effective” contraception is a new innovation, and
  • there has been no proper examination of whether contraception has brought good or evil.

Okay, that’s two things.

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