Thanks for nothing, Mozilla

So Mozilla just threw its CEO Brendan Eich under the bus because the brainless baying hounds of homosexual rights came barking at their door.

Thanks Mozilla. What an example you have set.  You have just given in to terrorists – you have paid their ransom, you have given them the sacrifice they demand. They will move on from this triumph to the next, gloating over the bloody remains on your organisation on their iphones, windows phones and .NET enhanced internet explorer only web sites.  You believe you did this for the good of your organisation.  You did this to the detriment of every organisation that intends to be impartial.  Now that they have tasted CEO blood, they will never stop.

What’s next for this brave organisation? What about:

  • Fire people accused of “islamophobia”
  • Fire people for supporting an unpopular political party
  • Fire people for supporting an unpopular religion
  • Fire people for failing to use .NET
  • Fire people for failing to support Microsoft Open Office XML
  • Fire people using Javascript (Brendon Eich started it: it must be bad)
  • Fire fox (what does the fox say?)

So where to find a new browser?  Certainly not google chrome: Google gave money to fight for the cause of the terrorists against the people of California.

I don’t want my browser to be approved by the homosexual lobby.

An update: Mozilla says:

Brendan was not fired and was not asked by the Board to resign. Brendan voluntarily submitted his resignation. The Board acted in response by inviting him to remain at Mozilla in another C-level position. Brendan declined that offer. The Board respects his decision.

Reading between the lines:

  1. Brendan was not fired and was not asked by the Board to resign.  In private discussions he was told that this was a distinct possibility and that he would receive no support from the board.  No statements would be made in his favour, and all of his unrelated actions would be questioned.
  2. Brendan voluntarily submitted his resignation.  This was nice, because otherwise we would have had to ask him to submit it.
  3. The Board acted in response by inviting him to remain at Mozilla in another C-level position.  We did not decline his resignation, and assure him of our full support.  Instead, we offered him a demotion (from Javascript to C?)
  4. Brendan declined that offer.  He’s not an idiot.  We knew this, and expected it.  It was not a genuine offer in any case.  We threw him under the bus in order that the bus could ride over him.  Retaining his bloody corpse would be a burden to us.
  5. The Board respects his decision.  We are so glad that we were able to dismiss the man by withdrawing support and undermining our stated values.  When we say we respect the decision, we mean good riddance.

The Mozilla privacy policy says that they won’t pass your information around, except under a narrow set of circumstances.  However, they feel themselves at liberty to act on information obtained in violation of all they hold sacred.

It seems that liberal dogmatism trumps privacy.

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